Utilizing ISO 27001:2022 In Information Security Design For BPRCCo SME Digital Transformation


Fandi Ahmad Atqan Setyoso
Rahmat Mulyana
Ryan Adhitya Nugraha


In the industrial revolution 4.0 era, organizations like BPRCCo need to carry out Digital Transformation (TD) to remain competitive. However, the main challenge in this process is information security which is often result of TD failure. Previous research highlights the importance of ambidextrous information security management (traditional and agile approaches) for large banks in achieving TD, especially in information security. However, this approach has not been proven for small-scale banks such as BPR. Therefore, this research aims to develop recommendations for information security management system (SMKI) solutions that are relevant for MSMEs and estimate improvements in their capabilities to support TD. The research method involves Design Science Research (DSR), including problem identification, requirements specification, design and development, demonstration, and evaluation. Data was collected through interviews and data analysis, then analyzed using the ISMS framework based on the ISO 27001:2022 standard. Based on the results of risk analysis and mapping of previous research, it was found that AB control in the PDCA and Annex cycles is a priority for BPRCCo. Next, a number of solutions were designed based on ISMS practices. This recommendation is prepared as an implementation roadmap that can help BPRCCo prepare and fully implement ISMS in critical areas to support TD. This research contributes to the understanding of ISMS for small-scale banks, especially as a case study for SME, and for similar organizations.


How to Cite
Ahmad Atqan Setyoso, F., Mulyana, R. and Adhitya Nugraha, R. (2024) “Utilizing ISO 27001:2022 In Information Security Design For BPRCCo SME Digital Transformation”, Ranah Research : Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 6(6), pp. 2544-2553. doi: 10.38035/rrj.v6i6.1121.


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