Pengaruh Influencer Marketing dan Value Co-Creation terhadap Customer Engagement melalui Minat Beli dan Impulsive Buying pada Fashion Batik Modern Kartini’s Label (Studi kasus pada Generasi Z dan Generasi Milenial di Jawa Barat)
Jun 13, 2024
This study aims to examine the direct influence of influencer marketing and value co-creation on customer engagement through two intervening variables, namely purchase intention and impulsive buying. An empirical investigation was conducted among consumers of Batik Kartini's Label fashion, specifically targeting Generation Z and Millennials in West Java. The sample was collected using stratified random sampling, resulting in 210 female respondents who have made at least one purchase. The research instrument employed was a questionnaire featuring Likert scale statements. Data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modelling with the Smart PLS application. The findings reveal that: 1) Influencer marketing and value co-creation positively impact purchase intention; 2) These strategies also enhance impulsive buying; 3) Both factors contribute to higher customer engagement; 4) Purchase intention and impulsive buying drive increased customer engagement; 5) Influencer marketing boosts customer engagement through purchase intention; 6) Influencer marketing enhances customer engagement via impulsive buying; 7) Value co-creation strengthens customer engagement through purchase intention; and 8) Value co-creation improves customer engagement via impulsive buying.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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