Optimism, Family Resiliensi dan tingkat Stress pada Orang Tua yang mendampingi anak belajar daring pada masa covid 19 dilihat dari Perspektif Ibu


Rafa Ratikanuari Nusaibah


One of the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic is the implementation of learning from home by the government, this provides new jobs for parents, especially mothers. Where mothers have to accompany children in the teaching and learning process, on the other hand, mothers also have to do other household chores, this often creates negative emotions because of the huge pressure faced by the mother. To reduce the pressure faced by mothers, it is necessary to make efforts to manage emotions when accompanying children to learn from home. The method used in this paper is literature study, in which data collection techniques are obtained from books, literature, notes with problems that are solved. The results of the discussion in this paper are (1) Parents must learn to adapt to learning conditions from home. (2) Emotional therapy (3) Understand the child's abilities, children are ordinary humans who have limited learning abilities. (4) Relaxation, and (5) Discussion, before and after learning takes place, the mother can invite the child to talk or discuss the learning being carried out. The obstacles of parents who act as teachers at home during covid-19 The purpose of the results of this study is to find out more about the problems felt by parents when accompanying children to study at home. Especially for mothers who are often seen as the main caregiver for their children. Therefore, to be able to overcome these problems, it requires an optimistic attitude and a positive perspective in dealing with a problem and also family resilience to support the mother as a caregiver. Family Resilience is considered successful if the family can withstand adversity and considers it a challenge not a disaster. One way to be resilient is to develop a positive outlook when faced with a problem called optimism. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between optimism and family resilience in parents who have deaf children from the perspective of the mother. The measuring instruments used are Walsh Family Resilience Quetionnaire (WFRQ) to measure family resilience and Life Orientation Revised (LOTR) to measure optimism. As well as to measure the level of stress, the Perceived Stress scale was used, developed by Sheldon Cohen (1994). The method used by this research is purposive sampling, with a total sample of 114 people and live in the Jakarta, Bekasi, Bogor, and Depok areas. The conclusion from this study is that there is a significant influence between Optimism and Family Resilience. The higher the level of optimism perceived by the mother, the higher the resilience of the family in stress levels by the mother.


How to Cite
Nusaibah, R. R. (2024) “ Optimism, Family Resiliensi dan tingkat Stress pada Orang Tua yang mendampingi anak belajar daring pada masa covid 19 dilihat dari Perspektif Ibu”, Ranah Research : Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 6(4), pp. 1282-1290. doi: 10.38035/rrj.v6i4.901.


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